Can Actors Deduct Travel Expenses

We all know the familiar feeling of traveling to an audition. Making sure that you don’t accidentally mess up the lucky audition outfit on the commute. Going over the sides to make sure you know them as thoroughly as possible. Double-checking your emails to make sure you are heading to the right studio. But do […]
Do Child Actors Pay Taxes

Working with Children and Animals The old adage says that actors should never work with children or animals. I disagree – how else would we get the Home Alone movies and Babe? Not to mention Babe 2, Pig In The City. I have a family friend whose son, Adam, has recently been going into auditions […]
You Might Save Money as well as Time – Client Case Studt

Last year was one of the most fruitful for me as an actor. I toured in a small Shakespeare for schools production and did a few other paid projects in London. I also worked on and off for a catering company to supplement my income when things were a bit lighter on the acting side. […]