How Our Bill Management Services Can Help you Grow your Business

Bills management

No-one (apart from us) gets into business to wrap themselves up in the joys of daily bill management. Many of our clients are in the creative and sporting industries – and that daily accounting stuff is just so far from where they want to be. But, to grow a business or a career, that numbers […]

Who Needs to Submit a Self-Assessment Tax Return

While this might not be much consolation, HMRC have projected that there will be 32.3 million of us in the UK expected to pay tax in 2020/2021 (based on their Survey of Personal Incomes statistics published by June 2020). However, think about our friends in the US, a summary of the latest IRS data provided by the Tax Foundation […]

5 Benefits to Filing your Tax Return Early

You may not know but a whopping 11.1 million people submitted a tax return in January 2020! 10.4 million of those were online, now that’s a lot of self-assessments to get through. I appreciate that the massive curve ball we’ve been served this year has meant that tax returns might not be at the forefront […]

What Counts as Self-Employed Income

It’s the dreaded question at social events. The classic conversation starter to get the small talk rolling, but for us with more than one source of income, it becomes a minefield. “I’m an actor, but I also write for some blogs and do some advertising copy. Oh yeah, and my friend is starting a food […]

The Dangers of a Personal Service Company

In a well-publicised case, actor Robert Glenister recently found himself at the end of a lengthy battle with the taxman. In March, after nine years of legal wrangling, an Appeal court upheld a tax tribunal ruling and Robert lost the case. As a result, he’s been presented with a hefty bill for £147,000 plus interest […]

You Might Save Money as well as Time – Client Case Studt

Last year was one of the most fruitful for me as an actor. I toured in a small Shakespeare for schools production and did a few other paid projects in London. I also worked on and off for a catering company to supplement my income when things were a bit lighter on the acting side. […]

The Autumn Budget 2018 – What it Means for You

Will it be ‘Here comes the sun’ or ‘Ain’t no sunshine’? In his Autumn Budget, Chancellor Philip Hammond said that the recent (seemingly endless) period of austerity is drawing to a close and that the measures he will be introducing herald a brighter future. Hmm. The jury’s out at the moment. And everything could change […]